

Yoga can improve your mind and body. Visiting a yoga class won’t just help you get fit and flexible. You can also expect to reduce stress, increase concentration, and improve your posture. Need more convincing? 


Class timetables and everything you need to know can be found here 

Click here for a PDF of a typical sequence.

Keep scrolling for details of the styles of yoga I teach :)


Suitable for almost all levels of students, Yin Yoga is a perfect complement to the dynamic and muscular (yang) styles of yoga that emphasize internal heat, and the lengthening and contracting of our muscles. Yin Yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine.

While initially this style of yoga can seem quite boring, passive, or soft, yin practice can be quite challenging due to the long duration of the poses. We can remain in the postures anywhere from one to twenty minutes! Yin and yang tissues respond quite differently to being exercised. You need to experience this to really know what Yin Yoga is all about. After you have experienced it, even just once, you will realize that you have been doing only half of the asana practice. 

I love to incorporate essential oils in my yin classes for added relaxation and wellbeing.


Seasonal Yoga flow or Seasonal Vinyasa Flow is a style of dynamic Yoga practice which is designed to align you with the changing energies of nature and the seasons. A practice that improves physical strength and flexibility and brings balance and harmony to your life. 

Vinyasa classes  flow from one pose to the next without stopping to talk about the finer points of each pose. That way, students come away with a good workout as well as a yoga experience. If you're new to yoga, it is a good idea to take a few classes in a slower style of yoga first to get a feel for the poses. 


Subtle® Yoga is a broadly applicable, person-centered approach to yoga practice which can be tailored to differing body types/physical abilities and various contexts – from mental illness to public health.


yogic sleep which is a guided meditation and conscious relaxation practice that is intended to induce total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. I’ve heard that an hour of yoga nidra can be as restorative as four hours of regular sleep!  I have recorded a yoga nidra class which can be found on the Classes page of my website :)

Yoga for Perimenopause, menopause and beyond

 I am excited to announce that I am enrolled in a course to enable me to teach yoga for perimenopause, menopause and beyond....I'm looking forward to teaching workshops and classes for women going through the transitions.


A fun way to gain core strength :)

Yoga for Sleep Recovery

The 5-step Sleep Recovery method is for anyone who wants to sleep better. It brings your body, energy, mind, emotions- and your deepest wisdom- back into balance repairing your ability to rest deeply. If you’re not sleeping as well as you’d like, answer the wake up call. You’ll find simple, effective practices- backed by research and rationale from yoga, neuroscience and psychology- offered with warmth and compassion.

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